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Here will be some polished pixel art game assets, silly descriptions and serious gun models.

Nightcity69 - Street of Road Rash

 Modding assets ftw! I have now walked into this futuristic Hell on Earth in baby steps via quite boring and generic route/choice. My first custom OpenXcom terrain-tileset eva shall be called Nightcity69 and remembered as a HUGE megalopolis project with skyscrapers and shit. You gotta start from somewhere, eh? So first in line was a basic street set to be used as floor - the rock bottom connecting all together, then maybe some multifloor buildings will follow.

NC69_STREET terrain set contains only basic tiles, 40 of them, to build streets with lamps and pavings, crosswalks around crossroads with traffic lights and parking lots covered with roadblocks made of concrete. Of course there should be more objects to give units a feel of protection. Trash cans! Yes, when a bad guy shoots at you something smaller than a rocket, take cover behind a trash can. That's a survival tactic of urban warfare rule 41.

I can’t say the set is perfect and ready-out-of-the-box. I haven’t tested the MCD in the battlescape and even if I had, the modder should anyhow adjust (now directional) values, placements and maybe even colors to fit his/her own mod.

...Nightcity69 is no longer downloadable

What in the World - Too Clean for Chaos

 Lately I've been thinking about terrains, because it'd be cool to replace some of the polished ones with so-called rough XPZ ...