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Here will be some polished pixel art game assets, silly descriptions and serious gun models.

Chilly Village - Snow Blindness Surgery

 Quickly and slightly polished Snow Village map assets done๐Ÿ‘ Spotted some illogical unusualnesses while playing, so I decided to try fix things a bit and then ended up adding minor customization for fun ❄️๐Ÿ™Œ

Insect Instincts - Size Matters

 Long time since I’ve edited body sprites, Giant Cockroach was fun to polish and reasonably worthwhile.

I would like to monster more!

Barbie Jungle - Everyone Has Got a Secret Side

Polished and detailed Neo-Jungle terrain.
I think Barbie™ would approve of my choices!
(Well, she must have seen worse)

+ Currently editing, little by little, the other jungle assets with some buggy mapblock paths and tile messiness. Hopefully a polished tropical XPZ experience awaits at someday! ๐Ÿ‘

Outlined Quiddity - Inspire a Boost

 Not actually submod related, but after some vague experiments converting hand drawn vector artwork to pixels, I was surprised how well rough black outlines works in 32x40 size.

(My ideas were nonsense as usual)

Hopefully someone can get any kind of OXC modding inspiration out of that. Concept might not be good for detailed tiny stuff like battle items, but something simplified goes.

Personally I would like to use this style for spritesheeting, because to me it’s more interesting and handy way to create pixel art from scratch than full raster progress. Needs mainly just precolored basic line art drawings - what I have done for ages.

Winter Forest - Early Spring Cleaning

 Another XPZ cold terrain set for Snowiez. Originals had some dangerously messy spots especially at night time - once again I had problems to see how to point&click..๐Ÿ˜• It took half an hour to edit the grass and thicket more obvious. Later I put some extra time to polish the rest of tile sprites with custom detailing style, so now the map has a dangerous, but cute fantasy gamey world look. Aww, now destroy it with laser!
PS - I’m not going to touch ROADS_SNOW terrain at this time,
also FORESTSWAMP_SNOW terrain is not yet included

War and the City (WIP)

Warcity to be ‘polished’
 Reverse working with dis and fucking up everything what I already polished. Yep - it’s like unwork actually. Original reuses basic intact terrains, so I'm gonna/wanna separatize almost all files except URBANWAR and add dem in via ruleset. They'll be written in battlescape savegames, but that's not too bad.๐Ÿ‘
...MADDECOR(_WAR) terrain is still unfucked :(

Original Urban II - Old and New Outcomes

 City terrains (also known as ex-vanilla Urban) polished. They share the same store and some furniture tile sprites with the Village terrains, but if someone still wants to make them differ even more from the each other, it’s possible because both use separate files (plus a new FRNITURE_CITY version just for City tileset)

Phew! I’m so glad to release my year old experimental pixel art practical work with the same terrains. They finally got their use as customized kitchen and furniture sprites, also polished storage structures and big boxes were already waiting. Wohoo!
There was an additional MADDECOR terrain which tiles aren’t generally used in City mapblocks. It has now few tiles to which I remodeled besides all polishing and copy-paste work. Take that, Mad Decorator!

Checked/fixed MCDs, set variations to deathIDs and customized data values a bit. Three mapblocks’ (#36-38) unwalkable tilemap bugs (water on grass) were also fixed.

This is my semi-serious contribution for the 'finished' XPZ megamod assets and I just can't improve the vanilla 90’s vibe better than this (btw, now the '00s) even with the new palette.

As intended - it's still the same terrain set, but a slightly modded version.

Modified City Copies - Welcome to the Jungle

 Rolled right away to City terrains, where tile sprites are quite the same as in Village(And actually, IMO, it's reasonably funny also as a vanilla lore-wise way to still have the same original 90's stuff all over the place๐Ÿ‘)

Current mood: submodding megamod's battlescapes more clear for tactics

Village Pillage - Rural Logical Mindset

SLAVIC VILLAGE terrains polished

- fence gates recolored to be better spottable/observable
- "A-are there monsters in the fields or just night vision illusions?"
- shadows of the flipped sprites changed to from right-to-left
- tiles’ armor values slightly raised -> now gals with low strength or crappy guns
  might not break their way through obstacles so easily (early game problems)
- pixel art fixes/edits and color adjusting
- new destructed floor tiles and more variation in deathIDs
- couple custom detailings and remodels
- wooden walls click visually together in multiple floors
- size reductions and grid position pushes
- double-checked MCDs (and in there made some LOFT changes)
- additional rough road TU costs
- strong structures/ruins are walkable content
- tractor has rounded corners allowing walked diagonally around
- one mapblock's (#50) one tile was changed to get a free lane
- big tree’s tiled sprites have many new suitable tilemap building possibilities, but
  are they all really needed - I cannot say ๐Ÿค”

PS. There are some unused shop/store tiles, so maybe those could be placed
  in some big mapblock (rural marketplace may not be possible, but..?)

Rules of the Style - Always are My Ways

 Submodding VILLAGE terrains for funz - and also because of need for variety to solely naturalish battlescapes lately. Working with manmades hopefully generate custom ideas for populated areas as well, which would be nice.

๐Ÿ‘ฃ I’m slowly developing my step-by-step to XPZ's terrain editing:

  1. If plans include customization, then create duplicates of terrains that are used generally around the mod’s tilesets and add files in via ruleset
  2. Swap vanilla palette (if used) to neopal666.pal or some special
  3. Remove unnecessary color mess and clean/fix a bit
  4. Recolor the used last color's shades (these baddies glow in night vision) to the corresponding first black & white color's shades
  5. Check and rework shadows, highlights and contrasts
  6. Add details, remodelings and redesigns
  7. There are three colors that lighten in NV, all in all 48 color indices, so, use them wisely for some Piratez styled night vision glowing effects
And finally, steps that rule them all..
  • Make sure that tile/s fits as well as possible with other tile/s
  • Compose new ideas, possibilities and enjoy work done๐Ÿ’ฏ

BTW, one terrain PCK was corrupted, but I got it opened via old MCDEdit๐Ÿ‘Œ Wohoo!

Chilly Village - Snow Blindness Surgery

  Q uickly and slightly polished Snow Village map assets done๐Ÿ‘ Spotted some illogical unusualnesses while playing, so I decided to try fix...