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Here will be some polished pixel art game assets, silly descriptions and serious gun models.

Maid's Lure - Served and Seduced

 Modified the Maid /PEA walking to mince-ing like, because it’s funnier when some outfits are not only armor values to wear, but also a role.

Spritesheet and a modified floor corpse added to XPeasantz. Animation is carefully made and all nuances can be sensed even with faster frame rates.

Bandit Lovers - At Their Finest Before Death

 Ruffian and Troublemaker - at first I didn't plan to modify this couple, because the originals were so badass (Highwayman is IMO the badassest), but I had the mood for editing some inventory images and then, while playing, came across these mfs' love💕bunker.

What I did was only minor cleaning and polishing at best. What rly matters and makes a true improvement - is the remodeled Mutant Egg!

Hunter - The Prey Becomes the Savage

 Update for the XPeasantz released! Includes two new spritesheet modifications, reorganization and fixes. I’m working in short sessions with this, so big things happen slowly, but eventually anyways. 👍

Chilly Village - Snow Blindness Surgery

  Q uickly and slightly polished Snow Village map assets done👍 Spotted some illogical unusualnesses while playing, so I decided to try fix...