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Here will be some polished pixel art game assets, silly descriptions and serious gun models.

Gloomy Scenes - Blast from the Present

 Been flexing exercises with the battlescape palette and ended up editing game's vanilla URBAN tilesets somewhat darker, polished and more detailed. While at it, I also adjusted dem grittiness levels. Finally called it a mod at shop stuff, so those pieces were still left untouched.

There was/is one tile, it looks like an industrial-sized microwave oven, which I would edit for my personal use to be a washing machine, so merry inhabitants over there could wash their six pixel underwear. Biggest of small modifications anyhow'sly happened to that same FRUNITURE [sic] terrain, but it seems that old LOFTs can handle the minor changes in size, keeping then these PCKs good pals with original MCDs.

...Gloomy Scenes is no longer downloadable

What in the World - Too Clean for Chaos

 Lately I've been thinking about terrains, because it'd be cool to replace some of the polished ones with so-called rough XPZ ...