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Here will be some polished pixel art game assets, silly descriptions and serious gun models.

Original Urban II - Old and New Outcomes

 City terrains (also known as ex-vanilla Urban) polished. They share the same store and some furniture tile sprites with the Village terrains, but if someone still wants to make them differ even more from the each other, it’s possible because both use separate files (plus a new FRNITURE_CITY version just for City tileset)

Phew! I’m so glad to release my year old experimental pixel art practical work with the same terrains. They finally got their use as customized kitchen and furniture sprites, also polished storage structures and big boxes were already waiting. Wohoo!
There was an additional MADDECOR terrain which tiles aren’t generally used in City mapblocks. It has now few tiles to which I remodeled besides all polishing and copy-paste work. Take that, Mad Decorator!

Checked/fixed MCDs, set variations to deathIDs and customized data values a bit. Three mapblocks’ (#36-38) unwalkable tilemap bugs (water on grass) were also fixed.

This is my semi-serious contribution for the 'finished' XPZ megamod assets and I just can't improve the vanilla 90’s vibe better than this (btw, now the '00s) even with the new palette.

As intended - it's still the same terrain set, but a slightly modded version.

Chilly Village - Snow Blindness Surgery

  Q uickly and slightly polished Snow Village map assets doneπŸ‘ Spotted some illogical unusualnesses while playing, so I decided to try fix...