☆Welcome to my blog!☆

Here will be some polished pixel art game assets, silly descriptions and serious gun models.

Rules of the Style - Always are My Ways

 Submodding VILLAGE terrains for funz - and also because of need for variety to solely naturalish battlescapes lately. Working with manmades hopefully generate custom ideas for populated areas as well, which would be nice.

👣 I’m slowly developing my step-by-step to XPZ's terrain editing:

  1. If plans include customization, then create duplicates of terrains that are used generally around the mod’s tilesets and add files in via ruleset
  2. Swap vanilla palette (if used) to neopal666.pal or some special
  3. Remove unnecessary color mess and clean/fix a bit
  4. Recolor the used last color's shades (these baddies glow in night vision) to the corresponding first black & white color's shades
  5. Check and rework shadows, highlights and contrasts
  6. Add details, remodelings and redesigns
  7. There are three colors that lighten in NV, all in all 48 color indices, so, use them wisely for some Piratez styled night vision glowing effects
And finally, steps that rule them all..
  • Make sure that tile/s fits as well as possible with other tile/s
  • Compose new ideas, possibilities and enjoy work done💯

BTW, one terrain PCK was corrupted, but I got it opened via old MCDEdit👌 Wohoo!

Chilly Village - Snow Blindness Surgery

  Q uickly and slightly polished Snow Village map assets done👍 Spotted some illogical unusualnesses while playing, so I decided to try fix...