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Here will be some polished pixel art game assets, silly descriptions and serious gun models.

Winter Forest - Early Spring Cleaning

 Another XPZ cold terrain set for Snowiez. Originals had some dangerously messy spots especially at night-time and once again I had problems to see how to point&click..πŸ˜• It took half an hour to edit the grass and thicket more obvious. Later I put some extra time to polish the rest of the tile sprites with custom detailing style, so now the map has a dangerous, but cute fantasy gamey world look. Aww, now destroy it with laser!
PS - I’m not going to touch ROADS_SNOW terrain at this time,
also FORESTSWAMP_SNOW terrain is not yet included

What in the World - Too Clean for Chaos

 Lately I've been thinking about terrains, because it'd be cool to replace some of the polished ones with so-called rough XPZ ...