Another XPZ cold terrain set for Snowiez. Originals had some dangerously messy spots especially at night-time and once again I had problems to see how to point&click..π It took half an hour to edit the grass and thicket more obvious. Later I put some extra time to polish the rest of the tile sprites with custom detailing style, so now the map has a dangerous, but cute fantasy gamey world look. Aww, now destroy it with laser!
βWelcome to my blog!β
Here will be some polished pixel art game assets, silly descriptions and serious gun models.
What in the World - Too Clean for Chaos
Lately I've been thinking about terrains, because it'd be cool to replace some of the polished ones with so-called rough XPZ ...
Nude /PEA armor bodies with heads, hairs and items polished! This was my first assembly line project for pixel art and some of the ex...
Submodding started because I was eager to learn pixel art at real project level. Before OpenXcom I had only done some small sprites for m...
DIY lore: Balling players fight in small teams, playing their own violent tactical sport events here and there. Many say that they a...