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Here will be some polished pixel art game assets, silly descriptions and serious gun models.

Outlined Quiddity - Inspire a Boost

 Not actually submod related, but after some vague experiments converting hand drawn vector artwork to pixels, I was surprised how well rough black outlines works in 32x40 size.

(My ideas were nonsense as usual)

Hopefully someone can get any kind of OXC modding inspiration out of that. Concept might not be good for detailed tiny stuff like battle items, but something simplified goes.

Personally I would like to use this style for spritesheeting, because to me it’s more interesting and handy way to create pixel art from scratch than full raster progress. Needs mainly just precolored basic line art drawings - what I have done for ages.

Chilly Village - Snow Blindness Surgery

  Q uickly and slightly polished Snow Village map assets done👍 Spotted some illogical unusualnesses while playing, so I decided to try fix...